Thursday, February 9, 2012

NYFW FW2012 Day 1

Sorry for the lack of updates, it's been crazy busy since New Years(don't let it stop, please!) Commercial shoots for Wen Haircare and Miss America video shoot two weekends in a row in Vegas, Wildfox look books and travel for Wen by Chaz Dean shows. On top of that my lovely clients who are so incredibly patient with my crazy schedule. i love love love them!

Oh and ps. if you are in LA check out the billboard campaign for Wildfox that I did the hair on with the super cute Charlotte Free. There's a billboard on the Sunset Strip, Melrose and near Hollywood and Highland. Pix to come!

So that gets you updated to the end of January!

Last week I was working the Wen by Chaz Dean shows live on QVC on the east coast, flew home straight to a Kate Somerville Video shoot and next day, another Wildfox look book(which by the way is going to be AMAZING) then on no sleep flew back out to the east coast to make it for the first day of New York Fashion Week.

First show with the L'Oréal Professionnel Master Session Stylist team was Houghton lead by badass Laura Polko. There were 3 different looks for the show, who doesn't love a deep way off-centered part! Check out the team rocking out the hair!

pps. on a personal note, i ruined one of Jesse's goals in life by saying "Where'd you get that? to the Where'd you get that lady.